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international speaker highlights


(a shortlist from 2015 to 2024)




  • 2024, November: Keynote speaker at the World According to Heroine conference at the National Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic. Hosted by Heroine magazine and NextPageMedia.

  • 2024, November: Expert speaker at the Europe As a Commitment conference, addressing sexual harassment and digital violence against women in the EU. Hosted by the European Youth Parliament CZ in Litoměřice, Czech Republic. 

  • 2024, October: Host and organizer of the conference The Game Changer: Perpetrators of Gendered Online Abuse and the Innovative Ways to Make Them Stop at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Hosted by NORDREF, the Game Changer project and the University of Gothenburg.

  • 2024, August: Keynote speaker, delivering the address Con-Sensual: Using Theatre to Teach Consent at the Cultural Headquarters of Örebro, Sweden. Hosted by Örebro Culture School, Martin Mutter Theatre and the elementary schools of Örebro.

  • 2023-2024: Speaking tour to 14 colleges around Iceland, delivering the Nudes, Deep-Fakes, Andrew Tate and the Hate lecture to a live audience of 7,000 students and staff. The colleges included Menntaskólinn í Reykjavík, Tækniskólinn, Menntaskólinn í Kópavogi, Menntaskólinn við Sund, Kvennaskólinn, Framhaldsskólinn á Vesturlandi, Fjölbrautaskólinn í Breiðholti, í Garðabæ, á Suðurlandi and in Suðurnes, Menntaskólinn á Egilsstöðum, Keilir, Hringsjá, Verzlunarskóli Íslands and Flensborg college.

  • 2023, November: Speaker at the Reykjavik Global Forum, delivering the Power of Forgiveness address. Hosted by the Reykjavik Global Forum and Women Leaders, Reykjavík, Iceland.

  • 2023, April: Speaker at the Ungdommens Folkemöde assembly, headlining the event The Andrew Tate Effect: Is Cyber-Violence Trending? Hosted by the Nordic Council of Ministers, Copenhagen, Denmark. 

  • 2023, March: Speaker at a conference about gender-based violence in schools, delivering the speech Is Cyber Violence the Ultimate Silencing Method? (Er stafrænt ofbeldi hin fullkomna þöggun?) Hosted by the Stígamót counseling centre for victims of sexual violence, Reykjavík, Iceland. 

  • 2023, January: Speaker in the Hidden Gems Behind Despair lecture series at SciencesPo University, marking the launch of the Black Elephant social network, Paris, France.

  • 2022, October: Gender Equality Forum, speaker in the Countering Cyber Violence Against Women and Girls session, hosted by EIGE, the European Institute for Gender Equality, Brussels, Belgium.

  • 2022, May: NoWoman Alone, keynote speaker at the Reykjavík Feminist Film Festival, Iceland.

  • 2022, April: High-level launch of the Council of Europe's Strategy of the Rights of the Child, expert speaker on comprehensive sexuality education as violence-prevention, hosted by the Council of Europe, Rome, Italy.

  • 2022, January: Host and moderator of Nordic Talks: When Gender-Equality Meets Sexual Privacy in a Digital World. Organised by the Nordic Digital Rights and Equality Foundation, Reykjavík, Iceland.

  • 2021, November: High-level EU Webinar: Building Safe Digital Spaces for Women and Girls, keynote speaker, hosted by the Slovenian presidency of the EU.

  • 2021, June: The Angry Internet: Knowledge and Tools for Professionalsclosing speaker, hosted by the Danish government, Copenhagen, Denmark.

  • 2021, June: Nordic Conference on Gender-based Hate, Threat and Harassment on the Internet, specialist commentator. Hosted by the Finnish government. 

  • 2021, March: Addressed the Nordic Council's committee on social welfare, about the online abuse of politicians and journalists in the region.

  • 2019, December: Headlined the From Violence to Healing event staged by the Nordic Council in Helsinki, Finland. 

  • 2019, November: Click Off Cyber Violence, keynote address, Ljubljana, Slovenia. 

  • 2019, November: Safer Internet Forum, keynote address, Brussels, Belgium.

  • 2019, May: Project CyberVAW. Organised the Online While Female workshops for policy makers and media professionals about the disproportionate risks women and girls face on the internet, Ljubljana, Slovenia. 

  • 2019, April: Expert panel at the launch of Out of the Shadows Index, European parliament, Brussels, Belgium.

  • 2019, February: Folk och kultur convention. Panelist in the Effects of Metoo in Nordic Culture discussion and a South of Forgiveness interview on the main stage, Eskilstuna, Sweden. 

  • 2017, December: World Childhood Foundation annual Christmas gathering with her majesty the Queen, keynote address, Stockholm, Sweden. 

  • 2017, October: Open Society's conference Let's Give (Wo)men A Chance. Moderator in the Engaging men and boys in furthering gender equality discussion with professor Michael Kimmel, as well as panel debates. 

  • 2017, June: Countering Hate: Expert speaker at the Nordic Conference on Hate Speech in Stavanger, Norway.

  • 2017, August: 109 World retreat. Organised the Vulnerable, Present and Fully Feeling workshop, Öland, Sweden. 

  • 2017, September: Nordiska kvinnor mot våld, closing speech. Reykjavík, Iceland.

  • 2017, March: All About Women conference, keynote address, Sydney, Australia.

  • 2016, October: TED conference It's About Time. Gave the TED talk Our Story of Rape and Reconciliation, San Francisco, USA. 

  • 2016, September: Ungdomens Folkemöte. Gave the lecture Permanently Naked, Truths and Bullshit about Non-Consensual Pornography on behalf of the Nordic council of ministers, Copenhagen, Denmark. 

  • 2016, July: Partook in the SKAM! expert panel on behalf of the World Childhood Foundation, Almedalen, Sweden. 

  • 2016, March: Commission on the Status of Women (CSW60). Partook in the Fighting sexism and hate speech online: A nordic panel of experts, as well as Gender-based violence: Awareness-raising among youth and the role of digital media. UN headquarters, New York, USA.

  • 2015, October: 100 Years of Civil Rights Conference. Closing speech. Reykjavik, Iceland.

  • 2015, October: Panelist in the Nordic Council of ministers seminar about hate speech and sexism, Copenhagen, Denmark. 

  • 2015, September: Storstadens hjärta och smärta. Organised the workshop Permanently naked: What you need to know about sexting and "revenge porn". Malmö, Sweden. 

  • 2015, September: Nordiska kvinnor mot våld. Organised the workshop Permanently naked: What you need to know about sexting and "revenge porn". Arlanda, Sweden.



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